The Mourning After: Father’s Day became Orphan’s Day

By now you may have heard about the 3 churches bombed in northern Nigeria yesterday. A Sunday school class was impacted and several little kids were killed. Irate Christian youths took to the streets protesting.

“Enough is enough of the bombing of our churches. We will no longer tolerate these murderers. We have been pushed to the wall and we have no choice than to defend ourselves and our faith. Every Friday, they go to their mosques and even block roads to pray without anyone attacking them.

“The Federal Government and the security agencies have failed us. No responsible government will tolerate this rubbish. Please go and write in your newspaper and tell the government and these (expletive) who take delight in attacking us in our churches that we are equal to the task.

“What is going on is pure madness and we must stop it. From now on, we will no longer tolerate the bombing of our churches and the killing of Christians.

“If those who are in authority want this country to remain one, then they must stand up against Boko Haram. We are tired of cheap talk without action. From now on we are ready for them,” declared the spokesman of the protesting youths.

We are now on the verge of the dire predictions coming to fruition. The genie is now out of the bottle and I am concerned that after years of betrayal at home and abroad, Nigerian Christians now have to take matters into their hands. Some are saying kids should be left at home and not brought to church but that just makes them orphans. Others are saying no one should go to church but that just means accepting defeat. Already Christian women are dressing Muslim-style just so as not to be targeted since Boko Haram announced that it is now expressly going after Christian women and children contrary to the Quran that commands killing of men.

The terror group has claimed responsibility. The group’s spokesman, Abul-Qaqa, said: “Allah has given us victory in the attacks we launched today against churches in Kaduna and Zaria towns which resulted in the deaths of many Christians and security personnel.”

“Henceforth, they should either embrace Islam or will never have peace of mind,” they warned.

According to them, Allah has enjoined Muslims in the Qur’an chapter 9 verse 29 to wage war against any Jew and Christian who does not believe in Allah, His messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and the Last Day.

The group said that because the security forces had changed their tactic of attacking them by including women and children, the militants would also henceforth be attacking Christian women and children.

They also told the people of Kano that the main reason why the residents of Maiduguri are suffering a lot of indignity is because they refused to join in the holy war and, instead, turned their back on the jihadists when they were attacked by the security forces in 2009.

Boko Haram has made no economic demands. Yet the US insists that this is not religious. Which brings us to the rephrase of the day: “Its not the economy, stupid.”

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